Friday, February 24, 2012

~Friday! Another week survived~

This morning was a bit chaotic, actually it began yesterday evening. I said words that I don't think I've ever heard myself say! I was so furiously angry with my child's father. 

Here's a little fact about Lis, 'case you didn't know. I AM OBSESSED with TIME!!!! I set 3 alarms at varying times within the hour to make sure I leave the house on time. I have a "wake up" time. I have a "get up" time. I have a "get moving" time. The clock in my car is set 10 minutes ahead at all times. I cannot be without time unless I have scheduled a day in nature. I cannot be late. I cannot go with being spontaneous unless its been pre-scheduled (sad I know), and I cannot stand to plan ahead and have everything worked out just to have some yahoo come along and mess up my best made plans! Grrrrrrr! 

So, knowing just how truly messed up about time that I am now, you can see how telling me that I have until "mid March" to purchase cell phones and then telling me that you're going to cut me off immediately could have potential of sending me through the roof! 

That is what he did. He told me Tuesday in the lawyer's office waiting room that I had until mid March and then he called yesterday evening (while I was still at work) demanding I go buy phones immediately. He then proceeded to yell at me until I hung up on him. 

Well I bought our phones. I needed a text phone because everyone and their grandma seems to want to text me and my old phone didn't text without a great deal of concentration and thought. I picked up the least expensive (still expensive) phones I could find plus the plans and basically spend our safety net! 

I realize some would argue I don't need a phone. It isn't a necessity. But, when you work on call and there's no way to call - there's a problem. My daughter has a phone because I like to know where she is, who she's with, and give her a way to call out for help. They are prepaid so she isn't going to be using her's to call all her friends or text or even surf the net, but still, I felt much better knowing I had a financial safety net and now.......I do not! 

I am angry. I went to sleep angry. I woke up frustrated and angry. Of course the morning didn't go smoothly. My "get moving" alarm was sounding off while I still showering! I had to go back and get dressing at the last minute for our salads because I almost forgot. The dog barked at everything and everyone. Bunny didn't want to get up this morning. Half our belongings were in the car because we got home so late. 

Needless to say, I'm in a mood and that yahoo is NOT getting my new phone number. 

So deep breath in! Onto other news.....The weather is super nice. I took the boys out twice yesterday and we took a nature walk followed by running and playing at the playground. I really got a work out when I had to carry the 2yr old all the way home because he really had to potty and I didn't want to risk it. Then the boys wanted to climb the big hill "UP up up up up UP" followed by "down,down,down,down, sliiiiiiide, down" Boy its steep! They love it and wanted to go, oh at least 10 times! The evening drama just topped it all off. 

Admittedly my blood pressure-----I'm choosing NOT to share the numbers. It wasn't pretty and it probably isn't fully down just yet. Our Saturday will be spent photographing and exploring nature, just me, my girl, and Penny of course. 

Budget wise, I am currently making $114 less than I need to be. The basics are covered but there's no wiggle room. I'll be looking for work so be in prayer about that, and hopefully the weather won't be  snapping cold for long before I get a break on the electrical before Summer comes. We won't be home much anyway...

Currently, our highest energy day cost us around $4 and our lowest (meaning the fridge running while we're not home) is .33. I want to keep us $2 or less when able and so far, so good! I cannot run both heaters - that is a BAD idea and ate our power up quick! The electric blankets will help out a lot. They cost next to nothing to run. We don't need food at all until April and household might cost us maybe $20, $10 of which I found in the car just this morning.

Things are tight, but we can breathe. I never thought I'd have to withhold my own phone number (he has her's of course), but I refuse to let him control and abuse me anymore. 

It is what it is and I, I am choosing to be thankful for: a roof over our heads (that didn't fall in with straight line winds last night , btw), a car that runs (so long as it doesn't idle ;), food in the boxes (still got that pesky infestation, gonna deal with that tomorrow, hence the scheduled day in nature), and just enough money to pay the rent and bills (I hope!)....

So that's it until Monday, I'll be sharing new photographs and will greatly appreciate the views,comments,shares,and support, oh yeah and prayer - always welcomed : )

Happy weekend to all of my readers ~ 

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