For those of you who knew me before my divorce, some of what I'm about to say might seem surprising. For those of you who have been inspired by my strength, I assure you I am nothing without God and the confession I am about to get off of my chest proves that all too well!
This blog began days after my husband of 13 and a half years decided to end our marriage. I was searching for a way to keep the faith through hard times. As I would learn the hard way, the enemy was waiting just around the corner for me to let my guard down just enough to let him in - which unfortunately, I did.
I made some terrible decisions while away from this blog! I will refer to them as J,N, and G. All three of these men, used me, played me, and left me. I, having not truly dealt with my emotions from the divorce, found myself floundering about looking for love in all the wrong places.
If you ever find yourself in such a position, learn from my mistakes. Understand your worth! Just because your marriage or relationship or job or whatever ended, YOU ARE VALUABLE TO GOD!!!!!
I forgot this fact somewhere along the way and succumbed to meaningless sexual relations, shamefully, three different times. I found myself depressed, numb from the pain, and just going with the flow of the world. I forgot that as a child of God there is a higher calling upon my life!
I felt after my terrible mistakes, that God could no longer use me for his inspirational writing. I was drowning in my guilt and shame when something amazing began to take place in my life!
On August 6, 2012, I met the most wonderful man online! He and I became fast friends and his own past opened my eyes to the truth and beauty of God's forgiveness and grace.
Now, I am encouraged and strengthened, ready to continue on with this beautiful blog that was set up for the purpose of encouraging others.
I apologize for stepping away from my devoted readers. I love and appreciate you all. I do regret the decisions I made while away, but through those experiences, I have grown. I now know that each Mr. Wrong forced a change inside of me and was preparing me for Mr. Right, whom I am now planning to marry very soon!
Sadly, my beautiful daughter chose to remain in Alabama with her father (who is seeking help for himself and also happily in a new relationship). I miss my girl like crazy, but I know, God has everything under control.
I still struggle with fear and doubt, worry, and anger, but I know two things for sure, God is not done with me yet & God gives second chances!
Stay Tuned into this blog & join me on Facebook at for information on the upcoming book of our unique and powerful love story "I Found You, Finding Me".
I will try to update this blog as often as possible. I am currently seeking work, having just moved here a couple of weeks ago with nothing but a small bag of belongings. I am starting over with the love of my life & waiting to see what new and exciting blessings God has in store!
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